VR Research
I have two ongoing VR research Projects
1. Managerial Search Strategies
In this project I establish in a virtual environment which search strategies managers use to achieve a particular decision outcome.
2. Managerial Cognitive Frames
In this project I establish in a virtual environment how managers respond to sustainability issues by selecting symbolic or substantive actions.
VR Teaching
I developed and teach a portfolio of business and management courses at the MSc level using VR headsets and immersive applications. At present I teach the following courses:
Pedagogical Developments
(involving VR)
I am fascinated by the opportunities offered by 'immersive learning' in Higher Education.
At the individual level I am interested in the relative effectivity of immersive learning vs traditional learning at institutions of Higher Education; and how can this be integrated in a standard curriculum? At present, I have developed a portfolio of courses in both a VR-format and a traditrional format, to compare the outcomes.
At the group level I am interested in the effectivity of group interaction in virtual environments, and how AI-supported avatars can be effective. I have developed a multi-user application for supply change management that offers insights into group effectivity. A project with AI-supported avatars is still at the design stage.
I am also developing a new format of traditional case-based teaching using VR technology, both to visualize as as well as to interact with specific learning goals (The NWNB-Project)
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